Monday, June 6, 2016

Looking for Lovecraft... in all the Wrong Places - Wendigo - Inspirations

As with many of my scenarios, Wendigo takes its inspiration from some moderately improbable sources.
 There is a movie "Shadow of the Hawk" (1976)
which contains a sort of reincarnated Native American witch called Sonoqua.  The film is not good, but I've always liked it anyway and it does have two notable virtues: Chief Dan George as the aging shaman and a musical score by Robert McMullin. From this movie I took several things: This is where I first heard of Sonoqua. The voice of Chief Dan George provided my fake Ishi reordings. The Sonoqua song...
 There is a more basic source which constitutes something of a spoiler...


Lobby Cards - Shadow of the Hawk


               Really, they are just below this line of text...

 A more basic inspiration is the 1977 TV movie (and failed pilot) "Spectre" from which I drew the idea of the imprisoned guardian, released by accident from a subterranean prison. The guardian, Tsonoqua in the case of my scenario, must carry out a ritual sacrifice to release the real horror... In "Spectre" this would be a Judeo-Christian "Hell on Earth". I simply adapted the matter to a combination of HPL and Native American folklore.

 The location of the focus being at a town called Weitchpec, owes to my having seen a bumper sticker that read  "Where the Heck is Weitchpec?"... Imagine my happiness to discover that it was in Northern California, just across the river from an Indian reservation...


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