Saturday, January 23, 2016

Journal of Father Peter Kolvenbach, S.J.



The journal is a hefty book and rather large (11x14”). The first entry is from December 3, 1913.

Jessie Cook came to me today with a very disturbing story. Apparently there is good evidence to demonstrate a monstrous conspiracy among the wealthy elite of San Francisco. This evening we will be meeting with young Eric Ralston. I am sworn to silence on the understanding that what we learn will be used to save lives and end this diabolical business. Apparently my knowledge will be needed as the conspiracy is in the form of a sort of occult lodge known publicly as The Chapel of Contemplation. I have heard nothing but good of them in the past but I trust Jessie.

Entries detail the information from Eric Ralston on the Chapel… And a hasty plan for a young officer (masqurading as a cousin to a wealthy and repectable pillar of local society with a large inheritance in his immediate future) to be nominated by Eric Ralston for membership.
The raid is described in detail along with the cleanup:
•    Destruction of symbols and the altar.
•    Breaking in to the library (in the Chapel basement – This was the fire-proof vault)  and the destruction of most of the books. Father Kolvenbach saved the Livre d’Ivon and some notes (in a crabbed hand now recognizable as Droods.)
•    Talking to the neighbors to make sure that they were reassured that the official story was true and to discover if any of them knew anything that might lead to further Chapel members.

  Father Kolvenbachs triskelion dreams and his loss of faith as all attempts to use Christian symbols and rituals to block the effects of the one stone which he saved are detailed.
  An entry from April of 1914 expresses regret that he allowed so many of the books and papers of the Chapel to be destroyed.
  Here and there pages of the journal are cut out. These are fairly easy to see amongst the research notes on the Eibon and the spells it contains, as the journal pages are larger than the letter-size of the note pages.
Additional entries refer to research trips to other university libraries. Letters sent to the Vatican Library with rererence to The Index Librorum Prohbitoram – Occultus Penumbrum. Apparently he was requesting information on the Necronomicon and was refused.

The later entries are somewhat less coherent and less regular.

September 3, 1921
Slept late. Tried to correlate the symbols of Naacal with the pages from Churchward. Useless. Can’t concentrate. Really no point. Went to confession. I’m not sure why.
Sept. 5, 1921
Slept late            … No. I was drunk again and I passed out. I think the best thing would be to give up and try to forget all of it. The whole thing is six years behind me.

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1921
I have been visited by a pair of young women who have been investigating the Chapel of Contemplation. From them I have learned that the Chapel is most certainly not defunct. The apocalypse hinted at in the Second Epistle may be approaching and the identity of “D” may be revealed.  The being involved may be an avatar or in the process of becoming an avatar of Tsathoggua.
Jessie and the others are certain to be involved and both they and these young outsiders are likely to be in the most horrific danger. I have failed. My weakness has cost my friends and perhaps the whole world dearly. If I had applied myself more assiduously I might now have the knowledge to be of assistance.

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1921
There is still a chance. I have the stone. It has been several years since my last experiment but I know that I can Operate. The stone will serve to make Contact. I will use my composite of the material from the Eibon, the work of Shrewsbury and the rules I have deduced from Frazer.
1)    The stone.
2)    The derived circle and apparatus of Contact.
3)    The Elder Sign. It must have potency. It simply must.
4)    The derived Dismissal. I will use the names of Tsathoggua and I will call him Drood.
5)    I will pray. I don’t know anymore to whom I pray but I think I must and it may help me gather the strength. This will be far more costly than the “Brouillard”.

The Last Entry
Thursday, Sept. 15, 1921
I intend to contact this being through its sigil and to use the spell of dismissal, from the Eibon.

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