Saturday, January 30, 2016

September 18-23, 1921 - (Skullhouse Date January 26, 2016)




Sunday, Sept. 18
  After the morning interview with Eric Ralston, the maimed survivor of the 1914 Chapel Raid, the investigators lunch and plan a shopping expedition.
The investigators purchase gasoline in a can, carbide lamps and extra flashlights, as well as shovels and other digging tools…
  Research continues but an expedition up Red Rock Hill is put off till Dr. Marsh can obtain dynamite.

Monday, Sept. 19
  Dr. Marsh obtains half a case of dynamite which he is assured is of good quality (apparently there were some “sweating” sticks, but the artillery Sgt. Got rid of those by tossing them over the Presidio cliffs into the sea). Included are blasting caps and all that is needed.
  Sarah and Sophie have gotten more information out of their mound of books and notes.The two are attempting to figure out what Father Kolvenbach tried to use as a spell of Dismissal. It seems that the Father was placing faith born of desperation in his use of the Elder Sign, which does appear in some of the Dismissal and protective spells. The Elder Sign is occasionally referred to in the text in terms which suggest that it has great significance as a protective symbol. However – the  Cultus Maleficarum (A translation or derivative work of the Necronomicon), which Kolvenbach did not have access to, presents what appears to be a spell to “render puissant” or“activate” “Ye Sign of the Elder Ones”. And the inescapable meaning is that the Elder Sign, absent a rather involved spell, may be no more potent than a copy of the Chapel’s triskelion as drawn by one of the investigators.
  Unfortunately the language of the Cultus Maleficarum is elliptical, contains annoying apparent omissions… It’s not a bit like reading instructions translated and arranged by Father Kolvenbach.
Example from the text -

Capitulum xxxvi
Now, O Acolyte, ye friend of darknesse who have learnt ye these sekrets off our holie Order that ye may seek perfekt knowing of things forgot and forbade, may ye know the armour that shielde the seeker. Herewith Ye Signe of ye Elder Ones, howe it be mayde puissant.
With ye well known words of the Sage shalt thou begin. Thereafter, make certain purgations lest thy inward and outward meine make affront unto those forces needfully channeled. Next with beeswax, most pure, though there are sundry alternate material, render a solide yet malleable forme  of fiste  size to shew ye signe as drawne below.   [A familiar image of the Elder Sign accompanies the text – this one the star with branchy thing in an ellipse] … Or, as maye be, this simpler forme shale suffice.  [A drawing of the Elder Sign as a a simple seven branched “twig”]. A true Acolyte will knowe the better of the two or a third which must be found in the Booke known to hym.

  In the afternoon Tom stakes out the workplace of Jiman Gonzalez and follows him. Jiman turns out to be heading for home and he apparently spots Tom and returns back down the hill towards Market and Castro. Shortly thereafter, a car full of what must be United Service dicks show up, one of them walking up 16th towards the shack. Tom leaves.
  That evening the investigators speak with Jessie Cook at the hospital. Cook tells them that he is going to have Det. Sgt. Gregory go back to the Gonzalez shack later in the evening and look for Hector. He has asked Gregory to cooperate with the investigators…
When the investigators contact Gregory, Sophie manages to use her charm to get him, more or less, on their side and they are allowed to follow along. Gregory has gotten a couple of young uniformed cops from the shotgun squad and the plan is for them to walk in from the west and be at the back door of the shack when he drives up and enter the front. The time is set for 9 o’clock exactly.
  Everything goes as planned. The two shotgun squad officers are somewhat disturbed by the “devil worship” evidenced by the altar in the back room they enter through and there are signs that somesort of magic circle was being created in the main room. Jiman is cuffed, having apparently been engaged in carving a new stone disc . Tom and Dr. Marsh out back of the shack hear something. The pair and Gregory split up, going after someone who is moving about on the hill overlooking their position.
Meanwhile Sophie tries to question Jiman who is handcuffed in Det. Gregory’s car. This prompts responses, partly in Spanish and partly in English to the effect that his father is with Drood and that Drood will be back in a month… Jiman winds up by bitting his tongue or his lip and bleeding profusely.
  Up on the hill, by the old brick works Marsh and Tom hunt an armed man wearing a trench coat… Inspector Gregory catches the man, who turns out to be a United Service op. assigned to bodyguard Jiman…
  Jiman, bleeding all over himself, has been muttering something suspiciously like an incantation and Sophie is relieved when one of the shotgun squad officers whacks him in the head with his gun-butt.
  It’s around this time that the tingling sensation, known to arise from an active triskelion symbol is felt on the hill and by Sarah, and later Sophie on the road. …Then Marsh finds himself unable to resist an influence which makes him try to shoot Tom. He is stopped by Gregory … Gregory recognizes the effect from the Chapel raid. As Gregory escorts the handcuffed PI down the path, Tom and Dr. Marsh discard their firearms and attempt to examine three large cylindrical constructions set in the ground as part of the brick making or quarrying apparatus. They discover a suspicious lock holding a lid on one of the… bins…
  Everything is abandoned when Gregory shoots his prisoner dead –apparently against his will.
The retreat turns hasty. Sarah has already driven away to make a call to Jessie and she noted the dropping off, gradually, of the tingling effect… Now some minutes later the effect simply vanishes, as mysteriously as it began. Walter Gregory seems a bit distressed but the investigators agree to go along with his story that the prisoner got loose with a handcuff key secreted on his person and pulled a concealed gun (Gregory is carrying a second gun which seems well suited to this purpose…).

Tuesday, Sept. 20
  A call from Walter Gregory brings the news that Jiman has been discovered to have triskelion tattoo on his chest… covered in the blood from the previous evening. Gregory, not any kind of fool, has checked the records on Hector Gonzalez. Since Gregory was not present when the elder Gonzalez was searched, he was unaware of the fact that he too had a triskelion tattoo on his chest… This may, somehow explain the mysterious escape of Hector Gonzalez
  Tom and Dr. Marsh go up the hill during the day and manage to open the lid of the center bin in the old brick-works/quarry. The moving patch of black twenty-five feet down the shaft, thus revealed is merely rats… The creepy hollow voice barely audible from below is… unsettling…   The fact that Tom is impelled, simultaneous with a renewal of the tingling, to attempt to brain Dr. Marsh with a crowbar, causes the two to abandon the investigation and leave… discussing, as they go, the certain danger of bringing dynamite near the place.
  Bits of information suggest that Gray… (Well, the dead George Gray, anyway) had a means of protection from the mind controlling effect which the mysterious “D” was able to use. The effect seems to have been a spell of some sort, known also to a few of the other Chapel members.

Wednesday, Sept. 21
  The investigators research the Gray Mansion at the corner of Pacific and Laguna. It turns out that the plans are available but, probably as a result of three separate renovations or modifications since the turn of the century, the basement plan is missing.
  Surveillance of the house shows that Gray does come and go - not every day but in normal business hours when he does so. He has servants, including someone who appears to be a butler and they leave at night. Two United Service operatives patrol the property twenty-four hours a day… but with some degree of regularity.
  Tom manages to pick the pocket of the butler for what seems to be the single important house key and the key is copied and returned without arousing suspicion.

Thursday, Sept. 22
  Gray stays home. Plans are made…

Friday, Sept. 23
  Gray is watched and that night, all proceeds as expected. Gray retires. The servants depart. The United Service men patrol.
  And at 4Am on the morning of September 24, Tom slips in through the garage and into the basement.
  The basement is clean and nicely wood paneled. Tom discovers a locked room which tturns out to contain, scrap wood , old furniture and some locked metal boxes, two of which seems to contain something heavy --- papers or (clink) gold coins. Another opens to reveal a fumbled shower of gems and jewelry… But this is not what Tom is looking for.
Tom discovers that the central bulk of the basement is inaccessible and searches out a secret door in, hidden by the paneling. Through considerable luck, Tom finds a key and enters the secret room.
  The secret room contains:
•    An unadorned altar
•    A  gong
•    A floor painted with a very traditional looking magic circle
•    A large bas relief of a squat toad-like, somewhat anthropomorphic figure
•    A curtained wall featuring the familiar circle of symbols which appear to be a Gate – This one intentionally damaged.
  No triskelion is in evidence.
There is a yellow draped table on which are found a number of objects:
•    A large (pewter?) cup like the one found at the Gonzalez shack. This is also stained within and carries the stench of blood.
•    A dagger, a small bell with what seems to be a plasticine handle and more plasticine within and a curious abstract-looking plaque of gold wires – about palm size.
•    Various small pots of what might be sand or moss or ash… One vial is definitely that same Black Lotus powder which has turned up before.
•    A small, red leather book. It is handwritten, and begins: “This book holds some of the works most likely of success for one of limited ability. If ever needful, Harold, do not seek to use any others. For needs not covered, speak with Drood. But never trust him fully.” Next Page”A sovereign protection against domination of the mind may be had through use of the device….” There are drawings of hand gestures, magic circles, and a figure which looks just like an odd, spherical iron cage.
•    There is an artifact just like the one described above. The cage is about 6-8” in diameter and Tom removes from it and damages another of those small (1 ½”) stones with a triskelion etched into one face
•    Under the table is a small wooden sea chest containing a hank of black hair and some oriental tissue paper which appears to have wrapped a missing object smaller than a shoe. There is also a sheet of paper dated Feb3 – 1881 or 2 on which is a drawing of a simple figure of an inverted L or broken C with a circle in it’s open end over a triangle. The circle is described in text as being “…a faceted semi-precious stone – green in color”  The remaining text states: “This is the key to contacting those that are able to provide us access to almost unlimited knowledge and, therefore, almost  unlimited power. The purchase or other acquisition of this artifact is paramount for with it D. may well be able to attain his purpose, and we, ours.”
  Heavily burdened, Tom makes his escape

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Journal of Father Peter Kolvenbach, S.J.



The journal is a hefty book and rather large (11x14”). The first entry is from December 3, 1913.

Jessie Cook came to me today with a very disturbing story. Apparently there is good evidence to demonstrate a monstrous conspiracy among the wealthy elite of San Francisco. This evening we will be meeting with young Eric Ralston. I am sworn to silence on the understanding that what we learn will be used to save lives and end this diabolical business. Apparently my knowledge will be needed as the conspiracy is in the form of a sort of occult lodge known publicly as The Chapel of Contemplation. I have heard nothing but good of them in the past but I trust Jessie.

Entries detail the information from Eric Ralston on the Chapel… And a hasty plan for a young officer (masqurading as a cousin to a wealthy and repectable pillar of local society with a large inheritance in his immediate future) to be nominated by Eric Ralston for membership.
The raid is described in detail along with the cleanup:
•    Destruction of symbols and the altar.
•    Breaking in to the library (in the Chapel basement – This was the fire-proof vault)  and the destruction of most of the books. Father Kolvenbach saved the Livre d’Ivon and some notes (in a crabbed hand now recognizable as Droods.)
•    Talking to the neighbors to make sure that they were reassured that the official story was true and to discover if any of them knew anything that might lead to further Chapel members.

  Father Kolvenbachs triskelion dreams and his loss of faith as all attempts to use Christian symbols and rituals to block the effects of the one stone which he saved are detailed.
  An entry from April of 1914 expresses regret that he allowed so many of the books and papers of the Chapel to be destroyed.
  Here and there pages of the journal are cut out. These are fairly easy to see amongst the research notes on the Eibon and the spells it contains, as the journal pages are larger than the letter-size of the note pages.
Additional entries refer to research trips to other university libraries. Letters sent to the Vatican Library with rererence to The Index Librorum Prohbitoram – Occultus Penumbrum. Apparently he was requesting information on the Necronomicon and was refused.

The later entries are somewhat less coherent and less regular.

September 3, 1921
Slept late. Tried to correlate the symbols of Naacal with the pages from Churchward. Useless. Can’t concentrate. Really no point. Went to confession. I’m not sure why.
Sept. 5, 1921
Slept late            … No. I was drunk again and I passed out. I think the best thing would be to give up and try to forget all of it. The whole thing is six years behind me.

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1921
I have been visited by a pair of young women who have been investigating the Chapel of Contemplation. From them I have learned that the Chapel is most certainly not defunct. The apocalypse hinted at in the Second Epistle may be approaching and the identity of “D” may be revealed.  The being involved may be an avatar or in the process of becoming an avatar of Tsathoggua.
Jessie and the others are certain to be involved and both they and these young outsiders are likely to be in the most horrific danger. I have failed. My weakness has cost my friends and perhaps the whole world dearly. If I had applied myself more assiduously I might now have the knowledge to be of assistance.

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1921
There is still a chance. I have the stone. It has been several years since my last experiment but I know that I can Operate. The stone will serve to make Contact. I will use my composite of the material from the Eibon, the work of Shrewsbury and the rules I have deduced from Frazer.
1)    The stone.
2)    The derived circle and apparatus of Contact.
3)    The Elder Sign. It must have potency. It simply must.
4)    The derived Dismissal. I will use the names of Tsathoggua and I will call him Drood.
5)    I will pray. I don’t know anymore to whom I pray but I think I must and it may help me gather the strength. This will be far more costly than the “Brouillard”.

The Last Entry
Thursday, Sept. 15, 1921
I intend to contact this being through its sigil and to use the spell of dismissal, from the Eibon.

Father Kolvenbachs Notes on the Livre d’Ivon

First there is a typewritten summary.

Although the original is said to have been written by Eibon, wizard of Hyperborea, no earlier versions than the Latin version appear to exist. There were notations at the Chapel which suggest the cultists had a copy of that, Leiber Ivonis, version, to which it would be very useful to compare this, later, text. It is probable that the Vatican possesses such a copy as well but I would certainly not be permitted access.

 The First Two books: Through a pact with Tsathoggua – the being occasionally referred to in later, folk, sources as Saint Toad - Eibon gained greater knowledge and power, and even went so far as to discover a way to personally visit him. In fear of his power, the priests of Yhoundeth drove a campaign of persecution against Eibon, finally causing him to flee through a “Gate” that led to Saturn. There is a complex, and I believe, essentially useless, section which purports to describe the “family tree” of the being, Tsathoggua and how he/it arrived upon the earth from Saturn, via a lightless gulf called N’Kai.

  Book Three This is a complex and difficult section which appears to present a history of the world and the greater universe, with reference to Azathoth, The Elder Beings and various bizarre creatures which are said to have inhabited this world before man. This seems to be supported by Laban Shrewsbury.

  Books Four and Five A compendium of spells and rituals. This is the practical heart of the work. And I list below the contents:
 Call/Dismiss Azathoth
Call/Dismiss Shub Niggurath
Contact Yok Zothoth (Yog-Sothoth)
Contact Tsathoggua
Contact Burrowers Beneath
Create Barrier of Naach-Tith,
Create Gate
Contact Child of Tsathoggua
Open Gate to Child of Tsataoggua
Call/Dismiss Child of Tsathoggua
Create Mist of R’lyeh
Enchant Knife
Green Decay
Voorish Sign
Wither Limb.

 Book Six The Epistles of Eibon is an extensive series of instructions on study of the occult and the proper forms of worship due Tsathaggua. The Chapel appears to have followed some, but not all of these dicta. In fact, unless my translation is at fault, there appear to be internal contradictions between some of these and others are so vague that there would have to be some separate source to clarify them. One, which seems rather ominous in light of what we know about the Chapel, is The Second Epistle of Eibon Unto His Deciples, which includes this passage: In the remoteness of time, upon the fifth retreat of the ice, a resurgence of the worship of Tsathoggua by learned sages shall see the rebirth on earth of the Lord Toad incarnate. Contact His Children. Open the Gate to Them. Become as one with Them.



Then it goes into a mix of typewritten and handwritten notes. A sheaf of them…

 There is a full annotation of “Invoquer Brouillard des R’lyeh”.
  This seems not to require apparatus but to consist of a rather complex set of images and incantations, most of which must be memorized and recalled with utmost clarity although the actual casting only requires a short incantation aloud and a simple hand gesture. The instructions are clear and the images are carefully drawn (recognizably the same as ones in the Livre d'Ivon.)
  A page cut from the journal accompanies and indicates that Father Kolvenbach cast this spell five years ago late one night on the roof of Campion House. He describes the experience as slightly draining – It left him feeling a bit worn but unharmed and the effect was “…a spherical cloud of opaque fog 10-20 feet in diameter which appeared in front of me and moved as I moved, always before me and just beyond my reach. It remained for not long over a minute and was gone. What earthly good it might be is beyond me, but its reality is disturbing in the extreme.”

  There are many pages of notes which appear to be an attempt to understand the Contact and Dismissal spells. The circles, and apparatus involved are compared and Father Kolvenbach seems to have been trying to derive some sort of general rules. This seems very complicated and refers frequently to Laban Shrewsbury, “The Golden Bough” by Sir James George Frazer, and several familiar medieval grimoires.

  As part of this section Father Kolvenbach describes “Call Child of Tsathoggua” as the only Calling in the Eibon which seems even remotely practical as stated since the others require a special building (Yog Sothoth), massive bloodletting (Shub Niggurath) or are inconceivably dangerous (Azathoth). Then he goes on to give precise instructions for “Call Child of Tsathoggua” and the “ Dismissal of Child of Tsathoggua” These require a magical circle some yards across and a smaller one beside it plus various other items (A brazier of burning sulfur, a chalice of blood from the “operator” and black paintto be daubed on the operator’s head etc.)

  Amazingly enough, it seems that Kolvenbach actually tried the spell in an empty storeroom on the campus, late one night, four years ago.
  He describes this in detail but states: “The final result was a massive sense of weakness, which staggered me and left me barely able to clean up the mess I had made and return to my rooms. Nothing appeared, perhaps fortunately, as I was in no state to execute the ‘Dismissal’. I was left with a recurrence of the disturbing dreams which had waned since I placed the stone in its box in the cellar early in 1915.

September 16-18, 1921 - (Skullhouse Date January 19, 2016)

Tom Holub’s Recollection of Events (With slight ammendments.)

The investigators are outside the St. Francis hotel, amid the chaos of guests fleeing a supposed fire. Pat O’Hara is there with his partner Walter Gregory, the red-faced cop who was tailing the investigators for the Vigilantes. Hector Gonzalez has been taken into custody and will be held for several days at least.

The four exhausted protagonists check into another hotel and lay out the items from the black bag, presumably Gonzalez’s, found in Jake Luzinsky’s car: a bell, a vial of the “black lotus”, a ceremonial dagger, and a leather pouch containing a metal toad figurine that is either a pipe or a whistle. Dr. Marsh sounds a wheezy note through the toad and Sophie shrieks in alarm, scanning the air for eldritch manifestations.

After a few hours of sleep the group wakes on the morning of Friday, September 16. Sarah remarks that she did not have one of the terrifying dreams she’s become almost resigned to. She and Sophie speculate as to the reason for their surcease.

The women take room service and recommence study of the materials obtained from the Chapel of Contemplation mausoleum and the domicile of poor, doomed Father Kolvenbach. Moving back and forth between the weird old tomes and Kolvenbach’s notes, they start to piece together the dangerous spells and rituals with which the priest tried to confront Drood. Also of alarming note: the oft-heard name “St. Toad” is a sobriquet for Tsathoggua, a dread, nebulous supernatural monstrosity.

Dr. Marsh, accepting that his trusty sidearm is no match for the malformed beasts Gonzalez controls, develops something of a mania for heavy explosives. He begins working his own brand of TNT. This first essay, at least, comes up short. Likewise, Tom’s attempt to contact Finn, an Irish freedom-fighter known to traffic in explosives, reaches a dead end.

With the Finn lead run cold, Tom takes advantage of Gonzalez’s imprisonment to break into the shack on Red Rock Hill. Inside a locked and shuttered room he finds a dread altar bearing a telltale herpetological specimen and a sheaf of pages titled “Diary of Charles Aaron Drood”. This incomplete document relates Drood’s first arrival in America, his journey to California, and his ascent to power within the ranks of the Chapel. Drood’s true identity as Chester Allen Drury is confirmed within, as well as the presence of English occultists Macgregor of Liverpool and his apprentice Silas Creed, operating sub rosa as members of the Chapel.

Drood/Drury’s diary also contains a map of San Francisco criss-crossed with exactly the ley lines that Sarah has all along insisted underpin the mystical geography of this metropolis. Also learned: Drood’s plan necessitated his own death and burial in a special tomb constructed by the Gray’s. And: Drood was apparently experimenting with the means to “…take what I need from many persons” and “…to control the actions of any person” in 1887.

The morning of Saturday, September 17, Sophie and Tom check in with Leland Cort, who encourages them to attend a meeting of the Vigilantes at the Blue Fox in the evening. When asked, he owes that the excavation at Laurel Hill Cemetery has halted over the weekend.

Later that day, the investigators learn that Gonzalez has simply vanished from his cell, his whereabouts unknown.

Approaching the Blue Fox at night, all is clearly not well. Sirens bounce off the walls and smoke pours from the alley between the speak and the Hall of Justice. Dr. Marsh spots Jessie Cook’s unconscious form on the sidewalk and rallies the others to get him to the car for medical attention. It’s at just this inopportune moment that Gregory Walter appears and summarily nabs the group under the foul insinuation that some sort of abduction is taking place.

Playing the role of fear-blind authoritarian to the hilt, Walter holds the investigators in cells overnight, letting slip only that Pat O’Hara and four other Vigilantes died in the conflagration at the Fox.

Come Sunday morning, their liberty restored, Sophie, Sarah, Tom and Howard head straight to Jessie Cook’s hospital room. They learn that the surviving Gray brother has increased security at his mansion. This seems a possible, if decidedly deadly, place to find Gonzalez, who was no doubt behind the attack at the Fox. The talk with Cook also reminds the investigators that they never did get around to pursuing an audience with Eric Ralston.

In his bone-white mask, Ralston confirms for Sophie, Sarah and Tom much of what the investigators already suspected: Older and younger Gonzalezes were members of the Chapel, appearing incognito at select rituals in the roles of “Watcher” and “Mason” respectively. Ralston also speculates Red Rock Hill as the possible site of Drood’s true interment--Chapel brothers had let on that his body was never given to “The Burrowers”.

Also on this day of rest, Dr. Marsh lunches with a friend from the war, from whom he’s able to procure dynamite sufficient for the group’s needs.

A return to the Gray brothers’ old quarry on Red Rock Hill seems in order. One can only hope that the pairing of modern explosives and ancient occult lore will provide some defense, however unlikely, against whatever terrors slumber within that craggy mass.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

September 15-16…well, the 16th at about 2am, 1921 (Skullhouse Date December 8, 2015)

 Hall of Records and associated library research on the Gray brothers



rning ti
ll noonish…
A lot of information is turned up. Here it is, expressed in a timeline.

1882 – February? Gray Brothers arrive in San Francisco… From where? Maybe from “back east”, somewhere. There are very few mentions of them in society columns but Harry Gray has been known to turn up at society functions to meet and be seen with politicians over the decades. He has the reputation of being by far the less intelligent and astute of the two but he seems to be… likable…
1882-11 Bulk of Drood’s land (Red Rock Hill) sold to Gray Bros.
1883 - Old brick works built by Gray brothers. This included a quarry on the upper east face of Red Rock Hill.
1899-10-01 - Gray Brothers New Brick Works opens – A very large structure with an extensive quarry on the south side of Red Rock Hill. (Old works closed and partially dismantled.)
 By this time the Gray Brothers businesses consisted of two quarries (Red Rock Hill, and Billy Goat Hill at 30th and Castro), the brick factory, and Gray Brothers Construction & Excavation (at the Perry St location south of Market). They already seem to have had a bad reputation with occasional lawsuits for landslides caused by quarrying at both quarry locations.

1901-11-01 - Charles Aaron Drood dies. – Interred the next day at the Chapel Mausoleum.

  A series of deaths, disappearances and serious accidents occurred to opponents of the Gray Brothers from 1902-1907, culminating in a publicized investigation by the District Attorney… The investigation seems to have gone nowhere, and the Gray Brothers businesses, although widely reviled for unethical and predatory practices, continued to thrive.
  A change of the local political situation, a less corrupt mayor and board of supervisors, brought on by a backlash against the previous administration in the years following the 1906 quake seems to have made things tough for the Grays in 1909. It was in this year that their dynamiting of Telegraph Hill threatened a lot of houses and caused a major public outcry. But, once again, deaths and accidents to opponents, which could not be seen as anything but sheer coincidence, worked in their favor. The Telegraph Hill quarry shut down by the end of 1909, but at no great financial loss to the Gray brothers.

1914-02-03- Tragedy in Noe Valley - Fire at the Chapel – The RCV raid.

1915 - April George Gray killed by disgruntled former employee. He was shot in the back of the head without warning. There seems no question that the man killed was George and not Harry.
  After this event there have been more lawsuits: A half dozen in 1916 relating to major landslides below the brick factory and one by the city of San Francisco against the construction company over the poor quality of many bricks used in cable car track restoration after the quake. These suits were mostly successful and resulted in the brick factory closing in 1917. Overall, the remaining business (the Billy Goat Hill quarry was sold in 1916), Gray Brothers Construction & Excavation, seems much reduced.

Nothing ties the Gray brothers to the Chapel of contemplation.
The Gray Brothers have very rarely done anything charitable. 1) Construction of Old St. Joseph’s Hospital on Buena Vista Heights in 1897. 2) Construction of The City Nursery for Homeless Children on Collingwood, just south of Market st. in 1898. 3) Repair work – Laundry room and north end of foundation for the City Nursery for Homeless Children in 1919.

Recently they seem to have done work at a number of separate sites all round the city. Small construction and excavation work at parks and something at the German Hospital east of Buena Vista hill.

The City Nursery For Homeless Children – A City Orphanage
One till three-thirty in the afternoon.
This old fashioned edifice is just over the new (three years old) Twin Peaks Tunnel, which begins by Market at Castro, just a block away. A slight rumbling is audible as the trains pass below.
  The investigators almost immediately note a children’s drawing in crayon lying in the gutter. It depicts a black figure with red eyes and the words “Mr. Fire Eyes”.
  Using the lure of philanthropy the investigators speak with the director and head matron as well as a few orphans, and a disturbing picture emerges.
·         There have been “bad dreams” which feature “Mr. Fire Eyes” among the orphans, notably on the lower floors of the north wing, since the facility was built in 1899.
·         The bad dreams may have gone away between 1917 and 1919 – This corresponds to the time when the Twin Peaks Tunnel was built, which seems to have caused some  minor foundation damage, and the repair of that damage by Gray Brothers.
·         The orphans who have the bad dreams have occasionally, “a couple every year”, become completely catatonic and been sent off to the City Hospital and thence to the State Asylum.
·         The orphans tell of one brave little boy named Timmy who stayed awake to watch over the others in a first floor dorm room and proved that “Mr. Fire Eyes” is not a physical presence… Nothing actually appeared in the room while nightmares were occurring.
·         The orphans believe that “Mr. Fire Eyes” is taking something from them.
A check in the basement laundry room, directly under the first floor north wing shows that the strange tingling, caused by proximity of an intact triskelion symbol appears to emanate from beneath the tile floor.

San Francisco General Hospital – Psychiatric Clinic
Four till four-thirty.
  Dr Seymore Ainsley, head of psychiatry at SF General turns out to be aware of the unusual dreams of children at the orphanage. Like the director of the orphanage, Dr.Ainsley believes the dreams to be a result of a shared story which has spread like an infectious disease. He really has no explanation and notes that there are also adult patients who report the same dreams – The black figure with burning red eyes, the voice saying “What’s yours is mine” or “Beware Saint Toad’s Cracked Chimes”. The adult patients all seem to have come from the psychiatric clinic at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

St. Joseph’s Hospital
Five till five-fourty-five… Getting dark. Getting a bit foggy.
St Josephs Hospital is on Buena Vista Drive, overlooking Red Rock Hill at no great distance.
  The new building stands alongside the foundation which is all that remains of the demolished older structure.
The investigators first have a quick look around the old, site and discover, in the partially flooded basement, a very large triskelion showing through broken tiles in what was the laundry room.
At the new St Josephs the investigators find more tingly emanations from beneath the laundry room floor, which happens to be just below the psychiatric wing.

The German Hospital
Six-ten till around six forty.
Not far from Buena Vista Heights…
  Here the investigators catch up with workers from Gray Brothers Construction Excavators. A fellow named Homer Mills is lounging by a truck outside a service entrance. Mr.Mills is quite forthcoming and tells the investigators that he and his crew have been tiling the laundry room here… But, the brick underlayment is not the same as the previous few jobs. Those involved “special” bricks that came from a cellar he didn’t even know existed at the south-of-Market business site. He’s proud to be one of the guys chosen for the special work. Apparently a lot of men got headaches or something, working with the “special” bricks, but he and a couple of others didn’t have a problem so they got extra work at better pay. The “special” bricks (with a mark on the underside – guess what mark?) went into areas at the center of the laundry room floors at the St. Josephs and the orphanage… There aren’t any more of those bricks now…

The Black Cat
The Black Cat is across the alley (Merchant st.) from the Hall of Justice. It is a speakeasy and the street door is unmarked. Almost directly across from it is the door of the morgue…
  The investigators arrive, noticing that they are being followed by Jake Luzinsky.
  The Black Cat is a cop bar. It’s operated by a grizzled old ex-cop and his son, who has a rugged, military demeanor. The investigators are directed to a private room where Jessie Cook and Pat O’Hara wait. Jessie seems even more inclined to be helpful. While he is very unhappy to hear more news of the apparently supernatural aspects of the case, he asserts that one way or another, even if it requires cooperation from the Department of Public Health, the symbols under the floors at orphanage and hospital will be destroyed.
  A message arrives. Something has happened to Father Kolvenbach…
  The RCV men offer to drive the investigators out to Campion House, but first uniformed officers are detailed to detain Jake Luzinsky.

Campion House - 2209 Fulton St
Eight o-clock till about nine.
  With lights and sirens the investigators arrive across the street from the Jesuit College. There are already police and an ambulance on the scene and considerable commotion in the street.
  Outside the apartment of Father Kolvenbach an officer comforts the young boy who did errands for the old priest. Apparently the boy discovered the…body.
  The apartment looks much as it had before except the rug has been rolled up and the middle of the floor cleared. There is a small table with notes and a book open…  In the cleared area are chalked symbols and a few other items. There is a chalk triangle in a circle with guttering candle stubs beside it, by the points of the triangle. There is a smaller chalk circle (Maybe 2 feet across) with a branched symbol drawn large within it (The elder sign mark found elsewhere) and, also within, a small flattish stone with the triskelion symbol etched into it. There are also a couple of small chalices, which seem to contain. Respectively, clear water and ash or sand, beside the circles.

  In the bathroom, brightly lit, in a pool of blood, lies the corpse of Father Kolvenbach, a straight razor in his hand… It seems that he has cut his own throat. This appears to have happened around two hours ago.
The last note he wrote reads:
“I intend to contact this being through its sigil and to use the spell of dismissal, from the Eibon.”
  The investigators are allowed to take the book and notes. The book has a relatively new black leather binding, within which is a handwritten manuscript on relatively rugged sheets of what must be vellum. (Livre D’Ivon French, translated by Gaspard du Nord, c. 13th century)
The notes are in the neat handwriting of Father Kolvenbach and, along with the text, contain hand drawn magic circles and similar symbols with side notes and page references….

The St. Francis Hotel – Seventh Floor…
  The investigators are told that Jake Luzinsky was taken without any problem but cannot be arrested… No excuse… he wasn’t even armed.
  The investigators decide to stay at the St. Francis Hotel (Good to have a well-to-do guy like Dr. Marsh in the group) and wind up in rooms on the seventh floor.
  About 2 in the morning, while the ladies are still engaged in attempting to make something of the book and notes – while Dr. Marsh and Tom sleep in the adjacent room…
-       Heavy footfalls in the hall precede the breaking of the door to the room of the two male party members… Dr. Marsh begins to blaze away with a handgun at the huge humanoid form which ducks and squeezes in through the doorframe while Tom precedes him through the connecting door into the adjacent room. The creature is a wrinkled mass of what looks like dirty burlap… but obviously alive. It has a face of sorts with vacant-looking black eyes over a gaping maw… Its hands and feet are furnished with enormous claws.
  Everyone makes it out into the corridor from the second room while the thing tears through the first room and bursts the connecting door. In the corridor one of the investigators sets off a fire alarm and the most obvious escape route seems to be the fire door just yard away…
  Dr. Marsh fires at the thing again – several shots.
  Someone (Sarah?) spots an older man down the corridor (Gonzalez?) gesturing strangely and pointing at the group… In the confusion of the next moments, Sarah shoots Gonzalez and he drops a stone disc… which Tom manages recover and toss out the fire door, which leads to an exterior fire escape and a seven story drop.
 As the corridor fills with frightened, bewildered guests, the stone disc shatters and the monstrous apparition vanishes…
  Gonzalez is not dead but he is handed over to the police and Pat O’Hara…
Memory fails --- Was there a car the investigators recognized found on the street below?