Friday, July 10, 2015

Looking for Lovecraft... In All The Wrong Places

The picture above is from the 1967 Hammer Film - Quatermass and the Pit.  I cannot say much about the movie without spoilers so I will describe only the setup of events. An object found underground in London during construction excavation is thought to be an unexploded bomb from WWII. The discovery brings out a history of seemingly supernatural events and begins something which will be virtually apocalyptic, both in physical scope and in terms of really disturbing knowledge. Anyone interested in H.P. Lovecraft's fiction but unacquainted with this movie should see it as soon as possible. I would compare the revelations uncovered by Professor Quatermass with those of the ill fated Miskatonic Expedition in "At the Mountains of Madness".
 Quatermass and the Pit is a prime example of a source removed from the works of H.P.L. that is perfect scenario fodder... Perfect except that it is probably too famous for a GM to get away with adapting it without the players already being familiar - somewhat spoiling surprises.

ABOUT SPOILERS...In future entries I am going to write a bit about a couple of sources I have used to create scenarios or, in other words - plagiarized without shame owing to my lack of creativity. I'll be giving away key plot elements so, if you think you might be playing in one of my games - AND I NEED PLAYERS - you might want to heed the spoiler warnings which will precede them.

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