Monday, August 17, 2015

With luck we will be playing again this Thursday... The above image is something I modified (From an original I stole somewhere on the web) for use in the upcoming scenario. No spoiler here, as the context is everything.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

First Scenario. "The Horror in North Beach"



The Murder Victim and His Wife

 SPOILERS for the scenario "The Horror in North Beach"
(Which I have now run four time and will certainly run again)


                The scenario was, apparently, a success...
I always have trouble getting started and this was no exception. Fortunately, the players kept things  rolling and the characters overcame the threat.
A reporter, a petty criminal, an M.D. and a dilettante faced something which had lain hidden in the collapsed basement ruins of an old building since 1906. A horror born of an ancient formula and the bones of  a nineteenth century murder victim emerged in the sub-basement of Lukas Sanderson's Fine Furnishings.
 The investigators, brought to the scene by chance and curiosity, managed to put an end to the malevolent entity without it doing any serious harm.
A number of what may be significant plot threads have turned up.

  • A couple of local artists, one of whose paintings, at least, seem to have unsettling resonances.
  • A presumed occult charlatan who has arrived in town with a number of valuable and possibly significant occult artifacts.
  • A location in North Beach where an apparently respectable local businessman was engaged in unsavory and seemingly effective occult experimentation when the 1906 earthquake brought his building down on top of him.
  • A crate full of decaying animal tissue and a few human bones and a very odd artifact,which may have been instrumental in rendering the unpleasant mess... harmless.
  • Odd Artifact - Corroded Copper Spike Wrapped in Iron
    A fragmentary book annotated and with notes - all of which hint at a great deal. -- The annotator seems to have intended it, or the result of its use, to be presented on "Beltane" of "The Year of Our Dark Lord - 1906" to someone...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

First Scenario of the New Campaign - This Evening

A scene from a previous run... (And, yes,one character was a dwarf who, occasionally, rode a large dog...)

  Today I will begin the new campaign. Notes may be posted here, time permitting...  The date will be May 28, 1921 and there should be four players whose characters include an occultist, an M.D. and a person with a criminal background.
  I'm getting the handouts, the dioramas, the props and my scenario notes in order... Oh, and I am converting over to 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu. I was surprised at the improvements wrought in this version and wish I had considered it sooner, since making the conversion in the week before a new campaign is not ideal.